M88 - Click to view larger image. Opens
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According to Wikipedia, M88 is one of 15
Messier objects listed in the Virgo Cluster of galaxies. It lies
between 50-60 million light-years away, and while it is part of
the Virgo Galaxy cluster, it is actually located in the
constellation Coma Berenices (go figure).
M88 is classified as an Sbc spiral, which is between the Sb and
Sc categories of medium-wound and loosely wound spiral arms,
The last supernova recorded in this galaxy was back in 1999. |
Coma Berenices |
When Visible:
March - July |
50 - 60 Million Light-years |
Date: January - March 2015 |
Location: Rancho Hidalgo (now Dark Sky New Mexico), Animas, New
Mexico |
Exposure Details:
L: 57 x 10 Minutes binned 1x1
R: 24 x 10 Minutes binned 1x1
G: 24 x 10 Minutes binned 1x1
B: 24 x 10 Minutes binned 1x1
21-1/2 hours exposure |
Equipment Used: 12.5" PlaneWave CDK on a Software Bisque
Paramount ME mount. SBIG STL-6303 camera with 5-position filter
wheel, AO-L and Astrodon LRGB filters |
Acquisition Software : MaximDL, TheSky6, CCDAutopilot 5 |
Processing Software:
MaximDL, Photoshop CS5, IrFanView, Noel Carboni Actions |